All presenters of abstracts (either poster or oral) are eligible to submit a full paper of their contribution to Traffic Safety Research. This journal has recently been approved for inclusion into the Scopus scholarly database.
All submissions will be subject to the journal’s standard peer review process (read more here), handled by the guest editors Marjolein Boele, SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, and Arend L. Schwab, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands.
- Submission is open until 31 January 2024.
- During submission, make sure to choose the section ‘Special Issue ICSC 2023‘.
- There is no publication fee.
Important note: Starting from 2024, the TSR introduces a new financing model based on voluntary publication fees. The authors of the ICSC 2023 special issue are not expected to make any payments. You still might receive some automatic emails regarding the payment—ignore them.