Design of Urban Junctions in Relation to Cycling Safety

T.S. Buch, W. Hansen, M.G.L. Jensen, M.W.J. SørensenConference room

  1. Among the examined bicycle facility designs in signal-controlled junctions, truncated cycle tracks are safest for cyclists.
  2. A set-back cycle track where duty to give way is imposed on cyclists is the safest design for cyclists in urban roundabouts.
  3. Coloured marking applied to a cycle lane or cycle track in a roundabout does not seem to benefit cyclists’ safety.
  4. Overall, mini roundabouts do not seem to be less safe for cyclists than 1-lane roundabouts in urban areas.
  5. It seems that a signal-controlled junction is safer than a roundabout for cyclists but chosen design may have great importance.

Mon 15:46 - 00:00